Research Paper Series


Since 2019, the Austrian Society for European Law (ÖGER) is editor of the ÖGER Research Paper Series. This series has been set up with the aim to publish excellent works about European Law, written at the Universities of Vienna and Krems. We put a particular focus on the publication and display of young scientist's works. The ÖGER publishes works after a successful review "online only" and "open access" within the framework of the University of Vienna library.


Requirements for a publication as part of the ÖGER Research Paper Series are:

  • Topic in the area of European Law
  • Publication worthiness, meaning an independent relevant contribution to the recent scientific debate
  • Student's works (master, diploma, or seminar paper) must be graded  "excellent"; non-graded works need a recommendation of the supervisor
  • Reference to ÖGER: recommendation of a member of the ÖGER
  • German or English
  • Min. 55.000 characters (excl. cover page and tables)
  • Signed consent form, data privacy statement, confirmation concerning the rules of good scientific practice of the University of Vienna

The review process requires that the submitted work is read by at least one member of the directorate or the presidential council. Following, the board of editors under the direction of Dr. Maria Sturm discusses the work and the reviewer's opinion und clears the publication.

Please send proposals for publication via a member of the ÖGER to the managing editor of the ÖGER Research Paper Series.

Contact: oeger.europarecht [AT]